Insycle Blog

Solve Common Data Issues With HubSpot Leads

Written by Ryan Bozeman | Oct 4, 2024 6:06:00 PM

HubSpot leads, a relatively new record type introduced as part of the Sales Hub add-on plan, has revolutionized how companies manage their sales processes within the HubSpot ecosystem. The  leads object is a game-changer for sales teams, providing a dedicated space to manage and nurture potential customers before they become fully qualified contacts or opportunities. 

However, because it was only introduced recently, the leads object doesn't yet have all the functionality available for other standard objects like contacts, companies, and deals. This includes limitations in areas such as deduplication and data export capabilities.

Let’s explore the complications that arise from using the HubSpot leads object, their potential impact on businesses, and how Insycle helps companies overcome these challenges to maximize the value of their HubSpot leads data.

Complications That Arise From Using the HubSpot Leads Object—and Their Business Impact

While introducing the leads object in HubSpot has been a significant step forward for many sales teams, its relative newness means it lacks some of the robust functionality available for other standard objects.

These limitations can create several complications for businesses, potentially impacting their sales processes and overall efficiency. Let's examine these issues in detail:

Inability To Export Lead Data

One significant limitation of the HubSpot leads object is the inability to export lead data directly from the HubSpot interface. Currently, companies cannot export HubSpot lead data, which is often required for data cleanup processes and sharing data between non-integrated software or platforms. This restriction can negatively impact a business by causing reporting challenges and hurting data update processes.

Lack of Native Deduplication for Leads

HubSpot's user interface currently doesn't offer a way to deduplicate leads, a feature that is standard for primary objects in HubSpot such as contacts, companies, and deals. This is problematic because duplicates cause many business issues. When there are duplicate leads, different sales reps may inadvertently work on the same account, and valuable context will be split among the multiple leads. Additionally, the skewed metrics resulting from duplicate records can provide off-base insights and sales pipeline reporting.

Single Owner Limitation

The HubSpot leads object doesn't allow for multiple owners, as the lead owner is pulled directly from the associated contact record. This limitation can create challenges in collaborative sales environments, reducing flexibility and potentially causing miscommunication when multiple reps need to work leads.

Single Contact Association

By default, HubSpot leads can only be associated with a single contact, which poses problems for account-based marketing (ABM) and sales strategies. Many leads simply have more than one contact, so an account view that only shows one contact is going to be inaccurate. This limitation makes it difficult to understand the account's engagement comprehensively.

Manual Contact Association

When creating a new lead, users have to manually associate the lead with contacts, as automatic associations do not occur. This means an increased workload for your teams, a higher risk of human error, and missed opportunities in your sales process.

No Custom Object Associations

Leads cannot be associated with custom objects in HubSpot, which limits the flexibility of data modeling. Businesses with unique data structures may find it challenging to fully integrate lead data into their custom HubSpot set-up.

These complications can significantly impact a company's ability to manage its leads effectively, potentially resulting in missed opportunities, inefficient processes, and challenges in accurately tracking and optimizing the sales pipeline. However, solutions are available to address these limitations and enhance lead management capabilities within HubSpot.

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How Insycle Helps Companies Solve These Problems and Manage HubSpot Leads

Insycle, a powerful customer data management platform, offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to overcome the limitations of HubSpot's leads object and enhance overall lead management capabilities. Let's explore how Insycle addresses each of the challenges mentioned above.

Export HubSpot Leads for Reporting, Data Sharing, and Updates

Insycle bridges the gap in HubSpot's lead export functionality by providing robust export capabilities.

With Insycle, you can export HubSpot lead data in various formats, including CSV and Excel, making it easy to use the data for reporting, analysis, or integration with other systems. You can  select specific fields to export, ensuring you have exactly the data you need for your particular use case. Then, you can automate those exports to happen and be delivered to the email of your choice, on a set schedule.

Export segments of your database on a set schedule with Insycle.

By enabling lead data exports, Insycle empowers businesses to overcome reporting challenges, facilitate data updates, and seamlessly share lead information across their tech stacks.

Deduplicate HubSpot Leads With Precision for Better Segmentation, Personalization, and Reporting

Insycle offers advanced deduplication capabilities to bridge the gap of the missing deduplication functionality for the HubSpot leads record type.

With Insycle, you can deduplicate leads in flexible, advanced ways, using any field in your database as a matching field. Not only that, you have full control over data retention settings as well, on a field-by-field basis. Then, when you merge leads you can be sure you have all of the important data you need.

Deduplicate leads in bulk, using any field in your HubSpot database as a duplicate matching field.

With these deduplication tools, Insycle helps businesses maintain a clean, accurate lead database, reducing wasted efforts and improving the reliability of lead-related metrics.

Automate Lead Owner Assignments for Efficient Sales Operations

While HubSpot limits lead ownership to a single user tied to the contact record, Insycle offers advanced bulk assignments and workload balancing with built-in availability settings for your sales reps.

Bulk-assign leads to lists of reps, with workload balancing and availability settings.

These capabilities allow for more flexible and efficient lead ownership management, support collaborative sales processes, and ensure the right people handle leads.

Associate HubSpot Leads in Bulk for Better ABM

With Insycle, you can automatically associate HubSpot leads with contacts, companies, and deals in bulk. Insycle expands on HubSpot's limited association capabilities, giving you full control over your lead-linking process through bulk associations, with flexible rule-based matching, and the ability to automate those associations.

Associate leads to contacts in bulk, using any field as a related record-matching field.

Insycle’s enhanced association capabilities enable businesses to create a more holistic view of their leads and accounts to support sophisticated sales and marketing strategies.

Format and Standardize Lead Data

Insycle provides powerful tools for maintaining consistent, high-quality lead data, allowing you to standardize any text field in bulk, with advanced rule-based formatting. Your standardization templates can be automated to run on a set schedule.

Format leads names to use proper capitalization.

Standardized data improves reporting accuracy, enhances segmentation capabilities, and ensures a consistent experience across all customer touchpoints.

Audit and Track Lead Data Issues

Insycle's Customer Data Health Assessment provides ongoing monitoring of your HubSpot lead data quality through daily audits, that provide comprehensive reports and trend analysis, to help you keep an eye on your data quality over time.

Summary of tracked error types in the Customer Data Health Assessment.

This proactive approach to data quality management helps businesses maintain a clean, reliable lead database, supporting more effective sales and marketing efforts.

Automate Data Management Processes

Insycle offers powerful automation capabilities to streamline lead data management

You can set up any of the above processes (deduplication, data standardization, owner assignments, etc.) to run automatically on a set schedule—hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. Or, you can integrate them directly into HubSpot Workflows:

Injecting templates into HubSpot Workflows to clean and organize data before your first communications go out.

By automating these crucial data management tasks, businesses can ensure their lead data remains clean, standardized, and properly managed without constant manual intervention.

Empowering Effective Lead Management With Insycle

Companies face various challenges when managing leads within HubSpot, from export limitations and deduplication issues to associations and data standardization restrictions. Insycle delivers a powerful solution to these challenges, offering a comprehensive suite of tools to enhance HubSpot lead management. By providing capabilities for data export, bulk deduplication, advanced associations, data standardization, and automation, Insycle empowers businesses to overcome the limitations of the HubSpot leads object and unlock the full potential of their lead data.

But Insycle is far more than just a solution for lead data. As a complete customer data management platform, Insycle helps you audit, clean, and organize your Hubspot CRM data. This comprehensive approach ensures businesses can maintain high-quality, consistent data across HubSpot CRMsupporting more effective sales, marketing, and customer service efforts.

If you're struggling with HubSpot lead management or looking to improve your overall HubSpot data quality, it's time to explore how Insycle can transform your customer data management processes. Visit the Insycle for HubSpot page to learn more about how Insycle can streamline your data processes, improve data quality, and ultimately drive better business outcomes through more effective use of your HubSpot data.