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The Power of Visibility: Tackling Unknown, Hidden CRM Data Issues

Written by Ryan Bozeman | Jun 25, 2024 7:11:29 PM

Maintaining accurate and up-to-date data is crucial. High-quality data paves the way for effective decision-making, streamlined operations, and successful customer interactions. To keep your data in good health, it's essential to understand the issues within your database and have a system to track and monitor them.

Understanding the health of your data has such an impact on an organization, from small-time decisions for low-level employees, to decisions from middle management that may impact dozens of employees, to top-down strategy decisions from executives that affect the whole company. According to a survey by Monte Carlo Data, data quality issues impacted an average of 31% of revenue for businesses in 2023. This is up from 26% in the previous year, highlighting the growing impact of poor data quality.

Native CRM platforms, however, often fall short in providing real visibility into your data's health. They may offer some basic insights, which are never sufficient for comprehensive data management. Without this visibility, organizations are left in the dark, unable to address data issues proactively before they escalate into significant roadblocks.

Imagine trying to navigate a complex journey without a map. This is what managing a CRM with hidden data issues feels like. Problems like inaccurate or outdated customer information, duplicate records, inconsistent data entry formats, and missing or incomplete data fields lurk in the background, impacting operations, decisions, and expenses across your company without you knowing.

Unknown Data Quality Issues: Impacting Your Organization Whether You’re Aware of It or Not

Many organizations operate without a clear view of the problems lurking within their CRM data. They often fly blind, with no real insight into what issues exist in their database. Native CRM platforms, while powerful, frequently lack the comprehensive visibility needed to identify and address data quality issues.

Take HubSpot, for example. It shows you the first 2,000 duplicates that its system detects, but it doesn't provide visibility beyond that. No insights into how many total duplicates are in your system, making it impossible to know the status of your data quality. This limited view means that many issues go unnoticed until they start causing significant problems. Employees may eventually complain, but you can't rely on them to report every minor issue that affects their work. Many will simply work around the problem, leading to inefficiencies and frustration.

Sales and Marketing

Inaccurate customer data can lead to lost sales opportunities. Sales teams rely on precise information to connect with prospects and close deals. When this information is flawed, the entire sales process suffers. Similarly, marketing campaigns become less effective when poor data prevents proper segmentation and targeting.

Customer Service

Customer service teams depend on up-to-date and correct information to provide a seamless customer experience. Outdated or incorrect data can result in longer resolution times and frustrated customers. Inconsistent data can also lead to repeated errors, further degrading the customer experience.


Business insights derived from flawed data lead to misguided strategies. When CRM reports and analytics are based on poor-quality data, confidence in these insights diminishes. This can result in strategic missteps that affect the entire organization.

Direct Costs

Addressing data issues is not just a matter of time; it also involves direct costs. Inefficient processes, increased operational expenses, and the costs associated with data cleaning and rectification add up quickly. And leaving duplicates in your CRM drives up CRM costs, which are often based on record numbers.

Indirect Costs

The indirect costs of poor data quality can be even more damaging. Missed opportunities translate to lost revenue, and persistent data issues can harm your brand reputation and erode customer trust.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. With regular audits and clear visibility into the health of your data, you can sidestep these issues and create efficient operations across your organization.

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How Visibility Into Your CRM Data Issues and Quality Can Benefit Any Company

Gaining visibility into your CRM data issues is like turning on the lights in a dark room. With clarity, you can see what needs to be fixed and take proactive steps to address problems before they escalate. This enhanced visibility offers numerous benefits across your organization, transforming the way you manage data and drive business outcomes.

  • Enhanced decision-making accuracy: Reliable data insights lead to better business decisions and more effective resource allocation.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Accurate and complete customer profiles enable personalized and efficient service, enhancing customer experience and loyalty.
  • Increased efficiency in sales and marketing campaigns: Precise targeting ensures your campaigns reach the right audience with the right message, leading to higher conversion rates.
  • Reduced operational costs: Proactively addressing data issues minimizes costly corrections and improves overall efficiency.
  • Better compliance with regulations: Consistent and validated data helps ensure compliance with industry regulations, avoiding potential fines or legal issues.
  • New business opportunities: High-quality data provides insights into market trends and customer needs, enabling you to capitalize on new opportunities.
  • Strengthened collaboration across departments: Unified, trustworthy data fosters better collaboration and goal alignment, enhancing organizational productivity.
  • Improved forecasting and planning accuracy: Reliable data inputs enable more precise predictions about future sales, customer behavior, and market trends.
  • Increased revenue through relationship management: High-quality data optimizes customer interactions, increasing revenue and business growth.
  • Enhanced brand reputation: Consistent and reliable customer experiences build a strong brand reputation, enhancing customer trust and loyalty.

Insycle provides complete visibility into your data problems throughout your database, making it easier to maintain high data quality and reap these benefits.

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Four Phases of Customer Data Management Evolution

Example 1: Insycle Delivers Out-Of-The-Box Visibility Into the Most Common Data Problems

Insycle offers a powerful solution to the visibility challenges that plague many CRM systems. With its out-of-the-box functionality, Insycle provides immediate insights into the most common data problems, ensuring you can take swift action to maintain data integrity.

Customer Data Health Assessment

Insycle's Customer Data Health Assessment is a game-changer. It audits your CRM database for the most common data issues nightly, generating daily reports that highlight these problems.

You can also track your progress over time, seeing how the number of different types of errors in your CRM have changed.

This regular auditing ensures that you always have a clear, up-to-date picture of your data's health. y This provides you a general overview of the errors that exist in various categories, breaking it down to individual issues so that you are only a button-click away from fixing each with Insycle.

Insycle also supports adding any custom templates you’ve created to the health assessment, allowing you to track issues unique to your organization. For instance, if a specific integration causes a recurring data problem, you can build a custom template to monitor it.

You can also create custom dashboards within the health assessment. For example, you could have one dashboard for sales, another for marketing, and yet another for the RevOps team.

This level of customization ensures that each team has the visibility they need to manage their data effectively.

With Insycle, you gain out-of-the-box visibility into the most common data problems, along with the flexibility to tailor these insights to your specific needs. This proactive approach to data management helps you maintain high data quality and ensures that your CRM remains a valuable tool for growth and efficiency.

In the next example, we'll explore how Insycle allows you to segment and analyze your data for even deeper visibility.

Example 2: Use Insycle To Slice, Dice, and Analyze Your Data To Gain Deep Visibility

Insycle provides powerful tools for slicing, dicing, and analyzing data, offering deep visibility into your CRM’s health. These advanced capabilities ensure you can dig into your data to uncover and address hidden issues, ultimately enhancing your data quality and operational efficiency.

Advanced Filtering Tools

Insycle’s advanced filtering tools help you comprehensively evaluate your data. These tools allow you to segment your data based on various criteria, ensuring you can focus on the most critical segments. Whether you need to filter by specific fields, values, or patterns, Insycle makes it easy to hone in on the data that matters most.

The Grid Edit module provides an Excel-like interface that simplifies data editing and management. This module allows you to view and update your data in real time, without the need for cumbersome CSV imports and exports.

With the Grid Edit module, your data updates in real time. This means you can make changes on the fly and see the results immediately within your CRM.

As an example, let’s say that you wanted to identify contacts in your database that might have misspelled their email address from popular free email address providers like Gmail, Yahoo, or Hotmail. You can instruct Insycle to look for email domain names that are similar to those domains, but are not exactly those domains. For example, “” is similar to, but is not an exact match. Your filtering template might look something like this:

Bulk Updates to Advanced Segments

Insycle also supports bulk data management. Using the Group and Update module, you can group and update data en masse when you identify specific errors that need to be fixed.

Let’s say you wanted to evaluate your existing job titles to spot variations that you can standardize. You’d start by filtering by the field(s) that you need to examine:

Then, Insycle will evaluate that field and pull up a list of variations for the field.

Then, you can quickly select the bucket that you would like to update and instruct Insycle to change the data within the selected records.

Data Field Analysis

Understanding the state of your data fields is crucial for effective data management. Insycle allows you to export detailed information about the fields contained within your database. You can easily see how many records have a particular field empty, how many records contain unique values, and other vital statistics. This insight is great for cleaning up clutter within your database and ensures you have a clear understanding of your data landscape.

Insycle’s tools for slicing, dicing, and analyzing your data provide deep visibility into your CRM’s health.

Example 3: Set Up Automated Alerts and Reports for Your Most Problematic Data Issues

Staying on top of data issues in your CRM can be a daunting task, but Insycle makes it easier with its automated alerts and reports. These features ensure that you're always informed about the most problematic data issues, allowing you to address them promptly and maintain high data quality.

Automated Email Alerts

Insycle allows you to set up automated email alerts for any data problem in your database. For example, you can receive alerts when a deal is created without being associated with any company or contact. These alerts ensure that you are immediately aware of critical issues, enabling you to take swift action to correct them. Here’s how to make it happen.

First, set up your template to identify your records. Let’s say for this example that we want an automated alert for all closed deals. First we set up the filter to catch all closed deals, whether they were won or lost.

Then, you’ll be able to generate a quick preview to ensure that your filter is working correctly.

And when you go to run the template, you can run it in Preview mode and create your email alert notification. You can add anyone at your company, and the CSV will be delivered to your specified recipients.

Illuminate and Optimize Your CRM Data With Insycle

Ensuring the visibility of data health within your CRM is not just an operational necessity but a strategic imperative. Insycle provides the tools needed to uncover hidden data issues, transforming them from invisible obstacles into manageable tasks.

High-quality data enables accurate decision-making, enhances customer satisfaction, and increases operational efficiency. With Insycle, businesses can achieve comprehensive visibility into their CRM data, allowing them to address issues proactively and avoid costly repercussions.

Discover how Insycle can illuminate your CRM data's hidden issues and empower your organization to maintain high data quality. Visit our website to learn more about Insycle's powerful data management solutions and how they can help your business thrive.