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Maximizing Your CRM's Potential With Insycle's Pillars of Success

Written by Ryan Bozeman | Sep 27, 2024 10:14:35 PM

Having a clean and well-maintained CRM is crucial. The quality and usability of your data impacts every department that utilizes customer data—which is usually every department.

Insycle is a complete customer data management platform that helps companies deduplicate, clean, standardize, audit, and organize their customer data.

When you sign up for Insycle, you’ll be introduced to the Pillars of Success, Insycle’s structured data management program. This program was designed to guide users through the basics of data management best practices all the way to advanced operations. After completing this program, users will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to clean and organize their CRM data from top to bottom.

Let’s look at how Insycle's Pillars of Success can set you up to effectively clean and organize your CRM, transform your data management processes, and drive better business outcomes from your data:

The Power of Insycle’s Structured Program To Clean and Organize Your CRM Data

Insycle’s Pillars of Success program is a step-by-step blueprint for identifying issues in your CRM database, prioritizing the most pressing ones, and fixing them using Insycle’s pre-built templates. You’ll learn about all the different issues Insycle can help you address, enabling you not only to solve your current problems, but to get ahead of any difficulties that may arise in the future. With the Pillars of Success, you can identify common and advanced issues in your CRM, unlocking growth opportunities and empowering your teams to use your data to its fullest potential.

The Pillars of Success program includes a project management spreadsheet to help you get and stay organized. This powerful tool enables collaboration, real-time progress tracking, and task prioritization to drive successful data cleanup projects.

Let’s look at some of the key features of the program and examine how they can help reach those goals.

Key Features and Benefits of Insycle's Pillars of Success Program:

  1. Step-by-step data management and cleanup instructions: Move from basics to advanced operations to clean and organize your CRM data.
  2. Pre-built templates for solving common data issues: Jumpstart your data management journey with pre-built templates that allow you to detect and fix the most common data issues in any CRM database.
  3. Project management: Track your cleanup progress and plan your next steps on your way to a clean and organized CRM.
  4. Real-time collaboration: Monitor progress and get feedback directly on your Pillars of Success spreadsheet
  5. Comprehensive roadmap: Visualize the data management journey instead of wandering aimlessly through a complex process.
  6. Increased efficiency: Streamline workflows and tailor your data management cleanup project to your use case.

Part of the Pillars of Success management spreadsheet for the formatting pillar.

The Pillars of Success consists of six to eight pillars, depending on your goals and Insycle plan. Let’s examine the contents and goals of each pillar:

  • Pillar 1: Format
  • Pillar 2: Deduplicate
  • Pillar 3: Standardize
  • Pillar 4: Purge
  • Pillar 5: Import
  • Pillar 6: Monitor
  • Pillar 7: Associate
  • Pillar 8: Assign

Pillar 1: Format

The first step in any CRM data cleaning project is formatting the data for consistency, and that is also the first step in the Pillars of Success program. Standardized formatting ensures consistency an is essential for accurate reporting, segmentation, and personalization.

The formatting pillar consists of more than 70 formatting and data extraction templates. While not every template will be relevant to your company’s situation, these templates cover the full range of formatting issues you might find in your database.

For example, the data extraction templates involve using data from one field to fill another. A complete address field would contain information about the contact or company’s street address, city, state, country, and zip code, and the template would use that information to fill each of those other fields. Having the data in those specific fields is key for reporting and segmentation purposes. This pillar includes many templates that can help you to extract data from particular fields to fill other fields.

This pillar of the program will walk you through tasks such as formatting company names.

You can also format phone numbers to your preferred standard. Insycle offers pre-built templates for formatting your phone numbers to all popular standards and can examine existing phone numbers by ignoring letters, separators, and parentheses to evaluate only the underlying data.

These are just two of the more than 70 different formatting templates in the first pillar. Other templates include formatting addresses, states, countries, job titles, and first and last names.

With the formatting pillar complete, you’ll then move on to the deduplication pillar.

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Pillar 2: Deduplicate

Duplicate data can lead to inefficiencies, inaccurate reporting, and flawed decisions. Insycle's duplicate detection and merging capabilities help companies identify and eliminate duplicate records, improving personalization, segmentation, reporting, sales, and decision-making.

Insycle offers powerful and flexible deduplication, including the ability to match duplicate records using any field in your database. You have complete control over how data is retained, down to the field level, to ensure you have all the data you need post-merge.

Insycle’s deduplication pillar includes more than 100 templates to merge duplicates in various ways.

You can merge duplicate contacts with the same name and same email domain, ignoring the domain extension so that you can identify more duplicates from international companies that may operate using multiple domains.

Or, you can merge duplicate contacts with the same name and mailing address while ignoring formatting considerations like symbols in the street address or white space in a postal code.

Another template merges duplicate contacts with the same name that were created within 24 hours of each other. This is useful for situations where duplicates may be coming in from integrations like calling systems, which often only provide phone numbers and not enough additional data to reliably detect and merge the duplicates.

By removing duplicates, companies can ensure that their CRM data is accurate and reliable, leading to better business outcomes. With deduplication complete, you can move on to standardization.

Pillar 3: Standardize

Standardized data fields are critical for effective reporting, personalization, segmentation, and routing. Insycle can standardize any text field in your database, and the standardization pillar includes nine templates that help prepare your data for use in automation.

This pillar contains more than 20 different templates, helping you to standardize many critical fields.

One of the templates will standardize countries to the Code2 standard, using abbreviations.

Another one standardizes street addresses for consistency.

You can also standardize job titles for reporting, segmentation, and personalization. 

By standardizing data, companies can ensure that their CRM is a reliable source of information for decision-making and customer engagement.

The fourth pillar deals with importing data.

Pillar 4: Purge

Low-quality, outdated, and useless data can clutter your CRM, gumming up the gears of automation, making your team less effective, lowering morale and inflating costs. Insycle helps companies identify and remove bad data in a variety of different ways.

This pillar includes more than 20 data purging templates. One template deletes inactive contacts who have opened no emails in the past six months.

Another deletes companies that use a free domain such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, or iCloud. By regularly purging bad data, companies can maintain a clean and efficient CRM that drives better business results.

Pillar 5: Import

Importing is one of the most common ways data gets into a CRM system. For many companies, especially smaller companies, the vast majority of data arrives in the system via import.

But it’s hard to enforce data standardization in specific fields when data is imported from a CSV file. Some employees will use your templated spreadsheet with all its carefully devised formulas, and others will ignore it and throw whatever CSV they have into the system.

Insycle's Magical Import module allows companies to seamlessly integrate new data into their CRM, cleaning it on the way in and enforcing standards for their most critical fields. The importing pillar will walk you through the process of setting up Magical Import to cure your most distressing data issues at the source.

The Import pillar includes more than 30 different tasks, helping you ensure that your CRM database is complete and accurate so that you can segment, personalize, and report easily.

First, you’ll create templates to remember field mapping settings so that you do not have to map fields every time you upload a CSV.

And then, you’ll create a template for every data source and save it. For example, you might export CSVs from a variety of integrated apps—phone system apps, sales apps, marketing apps, productivity apps, and more. Each of these data sources will have its own unique columns and column names. Insycle allows you to create a field mapping template for every data source, instructing Insycle what to do with the data in every field in your CSV, such as updating the records or appending the data to them.

Then, you’ll use the Magical Import module to avoid duplicates by setting identity fields to compare imported data to existing records in order to determine what records already exist in the database. You can also instruct Insycle how to handle them: whether to update existing records, create new records, or a combination of the two.  

Additionally, you can format, clean, and standardize data on its way into your CRM, ensuring that your imports are consistent and easy to use.

With Insycle's advanced data importing capabilities, companies can easily expand their CRM data while maintaining data quality and consistency.

The next pillar focuses on removing garbage and low-quality data from your CRM database.

Pillar 6: Monitor

With all your primary data issues corrected, it is time to set up a monitoring system to identify, fix, and prevent issues going forward.

Insycle's Customer Data Health Assessment is the perfect tool for the heavy analysis required in the monitoring pillar. The Health Assessment audits your CRM database nightly to identify and easily fix common CRM data problems that are making your teams less effective, blocking advanced automation, and harming customer experiences.

The Health Assessment tracks data across seven different categories.

Data issue categories are tracked in the Customer Data Health Assessment.

You can explore each category and view the specific errors that have been identified. Clicking the "Review" button takes you to the appropriate template to fix the selected issue in Insycle.

Out of the box, the Health Assessment delivers a nightly data quality audit and command center for your data management operations.

The Health Assessment can be customized. You can build dashboards that track data issues relevant to specific teams, such as issues impacting segmentation and personalization for marketing teams. You can also build custom templates and add them to the Health Assessment to track data issues specific to your organization.

Companies can proactively address data issues and maintain a high-quality database by regularly monitoring CRM data health. But monitoring your data quality and CRM health isn’t just about monitoring the records themselves. You need to be able to monitor custom fields and objects in your database as well.

This pillar also calls for you to use Insycle’s Cleanse Data module to analyze and monitor entire fields within your database. With Insycle, you can quickly get a bird’s-eye view of the values contained in certain fields.

You’ll dig into the variations contained within the field.

Then, you’ll drill down into the actual records within each variation bucket to get more context.

With this tool, you can continually evaluate your database, purging unused custom fields that clutter your CRM, identifying opportunities for standardization, and ensuring that you follow database architecture best practices.

And with your database reliably cleaned, organized, and monitored, you can then begin to connect the dots by linking related records.

Pillar 7: Associate

Every record has connections, potentially to many other records in your database. Ensuring these connections are in place is critical for account-based marketing (ABM), which relies upon a full picture of every account and the stakeholders within it to execute at a high level.

Let’s paint the picture: A contact works for a company, and he may consult for other companies. The contact may have been your customer while at previous companies. He may have used one of your competitors previously. Maybe he has been involved in several deals with your company over the years.

That’s all valuable context that you’d want to know when dealing with this contact in the future, but you won’t have it unless the records are associated. In the association pillar, you’ll link all of the related records in your database, electrifying your ABM and CRM organization.

Insycle helps companies associate contacts, companies, deals, and custom objects, in bulk and automatically. The association pillar includes 30 templates, making associations between contacts, companies, and deals in various ways and ensuring that your related records are reliably linked.

One template allows you to associate contacts to companies with matching company names on the contact and company records.

Another template allows you to connect the dots by finding and creating missing associations based on existing associations in your database.

For example, a contact is associated with a company, and that company is associated with a deal, but the contact is not associated with the deal. Insycle can detect this missing contact-deal association in the triangle of records and create it, with full control over association labels to boot.


With your database records properly associated, you can be sure that your teams always have the full context that they need to execute effective ABM strategies.

The final pillar of Insycle’s Pillars of Success deals with assignments.

Pillar 8: Assign

Record assignments are among the most critical cogs in every company's operations machinery that uses a modern CRM.

When support requests come in—whether through a ticket system, live chat, WhatsApp, Facebook, email, or phone call—the request must be created and assigned to a support rep. The same goes for prospects and sales development reps, leads and sales reps, companies and account executives, and deals and sales managers.

Insycle’s Assign module, part of Insycle’s add-on RevOps Acceleration apps, is designed to help companies solve this problem. The module automates the assignment of contacts, companies, deals, leads, tickets, and any record type that needs assigning in your CRM database.

This pillar contains 10+ pre-built templates, allowing you to assign contacts, companies, deals, and tickets in ways that make sense for your specific situation. And each of these templates can be modified and customized to work exactly the way you need it to. One of the templates in this pillar helps you assign accounts based on the contact’s country, evenly distributing the accounts among your chosen reps.

Using another template, you can assign companies to reps based on industry.

By efficiently assigning records to the appropriate owners, companies can optimize their CRM workflows and ensure that each team member is working with the most relevant data.

Getting Started With Pillars of Success

Insycle's Pillars of Success framework provides an easy-to-follow roadmap for companies looking to optimize their CRM data management processes. With pre-built templates for quick wins and customization options for unique needs, Insycle makes it simple to get started on your data management journey.

Insycle's Pillars of Success offers a comprehensive approach to maximizing your CRM's potential and Insycle’s value. By focusing on key areas such as data formatting, deduplication, standardization, importing, purging, monitoring, association, and assignment, companies can ensure that their CRM data is accurate, consistent, and actionable.

Take the first step towards unlocking your CRM's full potential by implementing Insycle's Pillars of Success today. With a structured data management process, powerful pre-built templates to solve dozens of common data issues, and a commitment to continuous improvement, Insycle can help your organization achieve better business outcomes through optimized CRM data management.