Insycle Blog

HubSpot Data Cleaning: Considerations and Best Practices for Better Customer Experiences

Written by Ryan Bozeman | Jul 18, 2024 8:08:20 PM

A CRM's default data management tools make it difficult to keep your customer data in pristine condition. Without significant manual effort, data can become outdated, duplicated, unstandardized, and inaccurate—and impossible to use to its full potential in campaigns, automation, sales conversations, and decision-making. Maintaining high data quality requires consistent, ongoing effort.

But most companies pay far too little attention to nipping data issues in the bud—in fact, more than one-third of companies clean their CRM contact fewer than four times a year. Allowing data to get "dirty" disrupts marketing personalization campaigns, sales lead management, and marketing reporting for department managers.

However, keeping your HubSpot database up to date requires time-consuming manual processes. Unreliable data in a CRM that's challenging to clean is a double conundrum you can't and shouldn't ignore.

Thankfully, solutions exist to eliminate both frustrations. Let's explore how you can perform HubSpot data cleaning easier and faster with flexible automation tools.

The Business Impact of Poor Data Quality in HubSpot

If you're dealing with poor data quality in HubSpot, odds are you have already seen issues including:

  • reduced customer engagement and conversion rates because of a lack of personalized communication caused by incorrect or incomplete data;
  • inadequate audience targeting, inaccurate marketing and sales analytics, and inability to track campaign performance due to segmentation and reporting challenges caused by incorrect data;
  • wasted time and money on redundant communications that lead to nowhere and make your company look bad to current and prospective customers due to outdated and invalid records;
  • misallocated resources to low-value leads due to poor lead scoring and routing that results from dirty data;
  • ineffective decision-making caused by the inability to measure true performance and ROI for sales and marketing campaigns; and
  • decreased job satisfaction, morale, and productivity because of the frustration from spending weeks manually updating and cleaning data.

The Problem With Manual Data Cleaning in HubSpot

HubSpot is an excellent CRM for capturing information from leads and customers. But it's not so great at keeping your data squeaky clean.  This is because there's no simple way to audit, track, and monitor existing data issues in HubSpot's CRM database. So you're unaware of just how dirty your data truly is.

But this doesn’t last for long. Eventually, some of those data problems will come back to bite you by inhibiting important business processes. Then you will have to clean those issues up, which often is a large-scale project.

Within HubSpot, a full data cleanse requires manual processes, such as navigating to each record individually to identify potential issues. Then you must take the following steps::

  1. Navigate to the lead or customer’s individual record.
  2. Open the property editing screen. 
  3. Update the record's data fields.

It's a very time-consuming process even for small companies, but can require hundreds of man-hours for a business that is growing fast and has thousands of records to maintain.

Not only that, but the process isn’t at all foolproof. Manual fixes invite human error, and the resulting mistakes will be costly to your operations and campaign effectiveness. Adding the wrong contact to a company you're pitching can result in missed sales opportunities, and mistyping an address can lead to a critical communication going undelivered.

Making mistakes and wasting valuable time due to data issues kills the morale of your teams. In turn, this reduces productivity and progress, negatively impacting your bottom line. It all eventually leads to a worsened customer experience.

Some companies resort to using Excel to clean up the mess. This can work, but it’s not a quick solution. You will run into problems such as:

  • Selecting your records: When your data is unstandardized and inconsistent, it may be difficult to segment and filter your records accurately
  • Loading the records into Excel: Excel is prone to freezing with large data sets, so you have to segment your records down to a reasonable amount to mitigate performance issues and data loss.
  • Designing formulas to fix each issue for each record: This may work for small data sets, but it is not a scalable solution. It’s difficult to build formulas for every scenario, and you’ll still need to make manual changes to the leftover records.

Then, depending on the fields you update, importing these records back into HubSpot may not be smooth.

Cleaning up your data in HubSpot using the methods mentioned above is a tedious and complicated process. So let's explore a better way to fix the records in your HubSpot database, fast.

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How Flexible, Bulk HubSpot Data Cleaning Changes the Game

Insycle is a data management platform that helps HubSpot users clean, enrich, standardize, associate, and deduplicate contact records in bulk, using automation. What would have taken weeks now takes hours.

Additionally, Insycle automatically audits your database for common data issues, updating your Customer Data Health Assessment on a nightly basis.

With an idea of where the issues lie in your database, you can focus on fixing the issues that are most troublesome for your business processes first. Insycle also allows you to add custom templates to the Health Assessment to track common data issues unique to your business.

Formatting and Standardization

Insycle is a powerful tool for formatting and standardizing any text field in your CRM database.

For example, you could format phone numbers to one of the popular default standards in bulk. Insycle automatically ignores separators and formatting characters, analyzing the underlying data to format them to your preferred standard.

Or, you could format US states.

New York. NY State. State of NY. NY. Does it really matter how you format states in your database? Absolutely.

Inconsistent state name formats can lead to miscalculating how many leads you have in a particular geographic district. Misformatted state names can also impact location-based marketing efforts and demographic analysis. Sending targeted marketing campaigns based on inaccurate state data can waste resources and wreck outreach strategies.

Bulk Associations

Not seeing the associations between contacts and company deals puts your salespeople and marketing teams in the dark. Sales reps are unable to identify past interactions or deals involving a key contact, which results in lost sales opportunities. Marketers leave key contacts out of email campaigns or, worse, include them in the wrong email sequences, which wastes time and makes your company look disorganized.

Insycle helps you overcome these problems by identifying and creating associations between contacts, companies, deals, and custom objects in bulk or automatically on a set schedule, using any field in your database as a potential matching field.

Data Cleaning Automation

Cleaning up your HubSpot database isn’t the only thing Insycle can do. It also makes maintaining data quality simple and fast.

Here's how.

Schedule-Based Automation

Insycle allows you to schedule data cleaning tasks that run automatically at set intervals—hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. The result is consistent data maintenance without arduous manual intervention.

Recipes: Bundling Templates for Automated Data Cleaning in HubSpot

Insycle’s Recipes feature enables you to bundle multiple data cleaning templates together and automate them to run in a specific order you define.

This is very useful for complex data cleaning tasks where the sequence of operations matters.

For example, you may need to inject country codes into phone numbers before formatting them. Defining the order of tasks ensures each step executes correctly and efficiently.

Integrating Recipes into HubSpot Workflows

Insycle also integrates with HubSpot, allowing you to insert Insycle Recipes directly into HubSpot Workflows. Then, new records will be cleaned as soon as they enter the database, before leads are assigned to sales reps and before your marketing team uses the data for communications.

This HubSpot Workflow shows that when a new contact fills out a form, Insycle Recipes for cleansing, deduplicating, and associating those contacts will be run automatically, before setting the Cleanse Completed field to “Yes.”

Insycle’s automated data cleaning in HubSpot prevents data issues from affecting your operations and improves the overall quality of your CRM data. Then you can maintain superior data quality, freeing your team to focus on strategic tasks and improving overall productivity.

Never Deal With Error-Ridden CRM Data Again

Revenue operations are much easier when you have high-quality data to back your every move. This may seem like an impossible goal when your CRM is riddled with incomplete, inconsistent, and invalid data. But adding Inscyle to your tech stack means data cleaning in minutes, not weeks.

But clean data isn't the only benefit you'll gain from Insycle. Insycle is also a complete customer data management platform for HubSpot, helping you to reshape your data management processes from top to bottom.

Ready to see how Insycle can make your HubSpot database the powerhouse it was meant to be? Learn more about our data management solution for HubSpot today.